Our Elementary Curriculum
The major focus of the elementary curriculum is on developing skills in reading and mathematics. The reading program focuses on word study and comprehension using a strong phonics program integrated with language arts, spelling and writing mechanics.
The mathematics program begins by developing a number sense. Patterns, simple addition and subtraction, time, money, and measurement are the focus of the first grade. During the second grade, students continue with double-digit addition and subtraction, problem solving and the beginning of the multiplication tables. The third grade curriculum emphasizes the mastering of the multiplication tables and introduces division. Problem solving and other mathematical strategies are also stressed.
Cursive handwriting is introduced during the second half of grade two. Third grade students are expected to become proficient in cursive writing.
St. Benedict is committed to providing an excellent education focused on “the whole child” through strong academics, elective classes and after-school programs that enhance learning and creativity.
The religion program helps the child to come to know Jesus through His life and teachings. Emphasis is placed on our relationship with others in the Family of God. Second graders are prepared for the reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
Students develop an understanding of physical, life, and earth science by questioning and making predictions. In many instances the science curriculum is interrelated with the language arts/reading curriculum.
In social studies the children begin by learning about their relation to the family and community and then expand this knowledge to include their state, the country and the world. The use of maps, globes, and charts helps to provide a basis for understanding history and geography. The students also study various historical figures especially as they relate to holidays and celebrations.